segunda-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2017

Effective writing strategies

Posted by CreateSpaceBlogger on Jan 3, 2017 5:35:51 AM

Are you ready to start writing that new manuscript, but you can't quite quantify the strategies that helped you complete the previous manuscript? Here are five writing strategies to keep in mind as you start putting words to paper:

  1. Tone: The tone of your first paragraph should indicate the genre of your book. Writing a horror novel? The tone should be menacing. Planning a mystery? Your first paragraph should contain an enigmatic air. A romance novel should lead with a hint of longing. When readers finish the first paragraph, they should have a sense of what type of book they're about to invest time in.
  2. Characters: Know your main characters before you start writing. I don't care how you achieve this, but have a detailed knowledge of your main characters' backgrounds before you structure your plot. In addition, know how your story is going to change them.
  3. Breaks: Stop writing for the day when you know what is going to happen next. Give yourself some time to mull over the details of the next part of the story. Let it marinate in your creative juices.
  4. Plot: Knowing the ending of your story before you write will help you complete a first draft more quickly. There's something about knowing your storytelling destination that helps you power through the journey in record time.
  5. Just do it: Don't be least the first time around. Write your first draft with reckless abandon. Let go and let your fingers fly across the keyboard.

-Richard Contributors/RidleyHeadshot_blog.jpg
Richard Ridley is an award-winning author and paid CreateSpace contributor.

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